TBR Pile Checkpoint #1: January Progress!


Hello, TBR Pile Challengers!

It is January 15th (or not, depending on when you’re reading this) and we have hit Checkpoint #1 for the 2013 TBR Pile Challenge! I know many of you have been making fantastic progress through your challenge lists already – so congratulations to you!

I have currently read 4 of my required 12 books, which is actually quite shocking. There will probably be quite a lull in my challenge reading, now that classes for the Spring semester have started, but I’m definitely glad to have gotten a jump-start (technically, I guess you could say I’m 3 months ahead of schedule!). I’ve only written 3 of the 4 reviews, so far, so the review for Book 4 will be linked-up to our February check-in. 

Book #1: O Pioneers! by Willa Cather

Book #2: The Alchemyst by Michael Scott

Book #3: Orlando by Virginia Woolf

Book #4: The Gunslinger by Stephen King

How are YOU all doing? How many books have you completed? I know we’re just 2 weeks into the challenge, but do you have any favorites, yet? Any books on your list that you’re really excited to read? Any that you’re dreading?

Below, you’re going to find the infamous Mr. Linky widget. IF you have completed any reviews for books on your challenge list, please feel free to link them up here so that we can easily find your posts, encourage one another, see what progress is being made on all these piles, etc. Also, feel free to link-up to your own checkpoint post, should you decide to write one (not required – but feel free to do so, if you want!)

There’s no giveaway for this month, since we’ve just begun, but here’s a big hint: Any challenge books that you read and review between this checkpoint and the next one (February 15th), and which you link up on next month’s widget, will count as entries toward…. something. 😉

So, onward!  Keep up the great work, best of luck to you in the coming months.

Oh, and congratulations again to our 2012 TBR Pile Challenge winner, Jenny of Jenny and Kelly Read Books!  Jenny received a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.com. 

Happy Reading!


(Please wait until February to link-up posts written after Jan. 20)

68 Comments on “TBR Pile Checkpoint #1: January Progress!

  1. You have been doing fantastic, what a great head start! I managed to read one thus far, and will link the review up when it posts tomorrow. I loved it so much that I went ahead and picked up the next one in the series, and since that is close to 700 pages I haven’t even thought about what could be next in the TBR Challenge list. Great job to you!


    • Thanks! I’m happy to be off to an early start, because things get so busy later in the year. I’ll probably try to take a big chunk out of the list again in the Summer, before Fall semester begins. Good for you for being on track, too!


      • Of course I’m an eager dork and didn’t link up the book title when submitting the link, so if you want to fix that, feel free. The title is Shadows and Strongholds. I’ll try and do better next time.


  2. 4 books in already!?!? Great job!! Agh, I’m not even halfway through my first book =P. School really does get in the way lol. I’m determined to get through my list though =). I’m really looking forward to reading ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. I’ve been wanting to read it for years!!


    • Pilgrim’s Progress has been on my radar for a long time, too – it influenced a lot of Victorian writers, so I do need to read it soon. Fortunately, a few books on my challenge list are actually also on my Spring reading lists for my classes, which is awesome! I have to read them for class, but I am able to count ’em towards the challenge, too. Phew!


  3. I’m not officially in this challenge but I can quick join up if you want. I’m technically already done with it though so…ya. Currently at 14. 🙂 Good luck with your books!


    • Sorry! Deadline’s passed, but thanks for your interest…come back next year! Sign-ups usually start in November.
      And you can’t be done with a challenge that you never signed-up for! 😉


  4. OOHHHHH a checkpoint post!!
    I still haven’t started with my challenge! I feel under pressure!! 😉

    Well, next month we’ll see who has read more books of their list.
    Bye, I’m going to read! 😛


    • Haha. I hope to have two reviews posted next month (1 for the King book that I already completed, plus 1 more). We’ll see! Good luck. 😉


  5. I’ve only gotten to one so far: What to Listen For in Music by Aaron Copland. Feeling good and on pace, though! Looks like you are off to a great start 🙂


    • One book already is great! 1 book per month would technically be on pace, so we can say you’re 2 weeks ahead of schedule. 😉 Way to go!


  6. I was writing up my post when I realized that the number of books from the official list I’ve read so far is 0. I thought Anna Karenina was on there. Oops. It’s a lovely post anyway, take a look! 🙂


  7. I have not read any of my TBR books yet. I’m working on it! There’s just so many new books out there to read! 😛 That’s awesome you’ve already read 4! Only 8 more to go for the entire year!


  8. You are off to a great start! I am one down with Daughter of Smoke and Bone. It wasn’t my favorite, but I’m still glad I read it. Next up: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by: Junot Diaz


    • I haven’t read Daughter of Smoke & Bone, but I was very impressed by Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao! It’s definitely interesting & a bit different. Hope you enjoy it!


  9. Oh! Heh. I figured I’d spread mine out, one per month, and I haven’t started any of them yet.

    Well. It’s probably good you’re checking in, or I might’ve forgotten entirely.


    • We’re only 2 weeks and 1 day into the new year and the new challenge – plenty of time! These are just friendly/fun reminders. 🙂 There’s even still time to finish one for January, if you wanted. Otherwise, maybe February will be your month!


  10. That’s an awesome start Adam! Wish I could say the same but me ..a big fat ZIP!! On a horrible reading slump! 😦


    • You can do it! What has you slumped? Other pressures/responsibilities? I started with a couple of light/fast-paced reads, which really gave me a kick, & then Orlando was BRILLIANT, so that made it easy. Good luck!


  11. Four books in! I feel so behind now! I haven’t started my list. Kicked off the year with a newer book, Gone Girl, so I could be included in everyone’s talking about it! LOL.

    Plan on picking up one of the TBR Pile selections next month!


    • Everyone HAS been talking about Gone Girl. I would like to read it, too, though it’s not really my typical choice of book. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though – it could be a good experience for that very reason. I have no idea when I’ll be able to get to it, though.

      The only reason I’m so far in, well, two reasons: 1) I’m actually drawn to my list this year and 2) I wanted to get a few done before school started up for the semester, because now that I’m back in classes + working full time as usual, the reading (for pleasure) will definitely suffer.


  12. Are we making a great start a disadvantage by linking several titles now? Is it better to withhold them prize-wise or can hard-working earlybirds put all chips into the upcoming bins? 🙂


    • I think most people aren’t in it just for the prizes, but if one wants to be deceptive enough to go back and edit past reviews to change the dates to later ones, all power to ’em. I just hope I catch it so they’ll be sure to lose. 🙂


      • I’m enquiring openly and alter reviews for no one. You cited Jan 15 and being a rule-follower, this gal ‘hauled butt’ by checkpoint 1. Am I to be ridiculed sir, for seeking clarification or wanting efforts to count? Do we sound like a 1940s play? 😉


      • There will be a checkpoint on the 15th of every month, but participation is at-will. I’m glad you’re keeping track and visiting for the monthly “meeting” of sorts, that’s great. Sometimes there will be giveaways, games, or contests, and sometimes there won’t be. The ultimate goal should be to read challenge books & (maybe) to keep a steady pace, with some fun interaction among other participants along the way. I hope these checkpoints aren’t just about monthly prizes; all efforts always count, because it’s a personal challenge & any progress towards it is what I would consider a win.

        To put it as plain as can be (and to answer, simply, your previous question): Completing your list is the ultimate goal. Now, if you read all your books in one month and review them, too, and that month just doesn’t happen to have prizes – well, you’re out of luck if the contest that month is based on monthly reviews written, but you’re still going to be entered for the end-of-challenge grand prize. The monthly checkpoints won’t operate the same way every time (that would be boring) and this is probably good because clever people, like yourself, might decide to read as usual but hold off on posting reviews so they can link up all at once. BUT! What if I DID do it the same way each time? If someone posts all their reviews in one month, then they have no chances at winning in later months. It’s a sticky wicket, eh? =)


  13. Great job, Adam! I haven’t even picked up a book from my list yet. I also just found out we’re reading 14 books for ONE of my four classes so I might not get much done until the summer. I’ll try to work some in though.


  14. It’s awesome all finishers get a shot at an Amazon (.ca CDN equivalent) certificate. Explanation that some months contain a contest was the info needed; many thanks. There are lots of link-dumping circles but interaction is my favourite part. I can’t wait to chat with other worms and subscribe to new peeps! Nice deployment of the word ‘eh‘. LOL


    • Awesome! You’re right on schedule! Keep up the good work and thanks for checking in with us. 🙂


  15. Only one book read and reviewed so far. Great job getting four read! I am currently reading #2, The Likeness by Tana French.


    • There’s no “only one book” about it! One is great – it means you’re on track and even a bit ahead of schedule. Nice!


  16. Uh what?!! I haven’t read a book yet for this challenge, although one is up soon and two are in my TBR pile for February.

    It looks like you are on a roll though.


  17. Whoaa…4 already? Great! I have just finished The Portrait of A Lady last night, but there’re inquiries I must work on for it, and I don’t think I can post the review before 20th, so…I’ll most probably skip this month’s check-in 🙂 I’ll read The Old Man and The Sea after this.


  18. You are doing great! =) I have been reading like a mad woman, but not anything that is on the challenge TBR list. I have gotten distracted by another series lol! But I am hoping to get to a couple of my books next month…heh!


  19. Haven’t even started, I’m still trying to finish The Last Chronicle of Barset which I started over the Christmas break (with side reads of two books for book groups, Ethan Frome and The Coffee Trader). I still have 200 pages to go but I hope to finish it this weekend and get started on my TBR challenge.

    And I haven’t blogged in more than a week. Le sigh.


  20. Hi, have been enjoying this. I am using a random number generator to pick the order I read them in, the current one is a poetry selection so will probably take a little longer over it. Will pop around and visit a few now.
    thanks for sharing everyone


  21. I love this challenge! I already read Brooklyn and posted about it today, just under the wire for the January posting. Turns out I love the book, and wish I hadn’t let it sit on the shelf for so long.


  22. Just posted my first review for the challenge. I’m going to wait until next month to link it though since it’s after the 20th.

    It felt GREAT to read a book that’s been just sitting on the shelf for two years.

    Congrats to all who are on schedule and to those who are four books ahead. 🙂


  23. I have finished one book for the challenge but am saving the post until February. Each book read off of the TBR pile is like a weight lifted off of my shoulders. It feels gooood!


  24. I’m so glad you posted this because I couldn’t figure out how to get my review link into the Mr. Linkey thingy! 😉
    I didn’t realize we could just read through all the books in a row. I thought I needed to read one a month, silly, I know! 🙂 I’ve been itching to read the other ones and now I can! YAY!!! 😉
    I can’t remember if I signed up with my blog or with Goodreads so I’ll just post both links:
    If someone can explain where I am supposed to post future links I will be happy to do this correctly! 🙂


    • That’s great! If your reviews are posted, you can definitely link-up on the February check-in post. 🙂


  25. Just finished slogging through my first book — Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. You mentioned last year that you’re intending to read it and I don’t see a review here, so I’m guessing you haven’t yet.

    If you enjoy a long book called by different reviewers: “Victorian,” “Dickensian,” or “Austenian,” you’ll love this thing. If you want a page-turner… well, it wasn’t that for me (and don’t read my review if you’re planning to read it — I’m a bad Spoiler Girl). It’s a book about *magic* — I’m still confused about how it could be made so *boring* (it does pick up in the last 100 pages, I will admit…)

    Mostly, I’m proud of myself for getting through 846 pages of a book I wasn’t really that into in 3 weeks. I hope my next book is really, *really* good. (No pressure, next book!!) We usually stick with the monthly model, so it won’t be done til February sometime… probably after the checkin. We’ll see how long it is. (Shorter than this one, for sure!)


  26. I finished two books out of my twelve. I feel as if I’m more organized with my challenges in 2013 than last year especially since I’ve learnt a few things since my first time participation in reading challenges. I’m currently reading A Game of Thrones, I’m midway through the book but it’s been amazing so far. Part of me regrets watching the t.v. series before reading the books but I’m hoping I can read A Storm of Swords before the premiere of the third season. You’re doing amazing on your challenge! Good job. 🙂


  27. You did awesome in January! I thought I posted on this back then, but for some reason your comment section has a hard time with me. Oh well. I linked up one review (Life of Pi), but also finished “Trace” by Patricia Cornwell in January.


  28. Pingback: Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake | Jacquline Rivera

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