Category: BL Manga

2023 Reading Year in Review

Hello, Fellow Travelers! Near the end of 2020, I told myself I would slow down my reading in 2021. That didn’t happen. So, at the end of 2021, I said I’d try again next year. Guess what? It didn’t happen. Surely, 2023 was the… Continue Reading “2023 Reading Year in Review”

August 2023 Reading Review!

Fiction Wolfsong by T.J. Klune: I’ve had so much to say about this incredible fantasy novel by popular author Klune. I’ve read one other book by this writer, House in the Cerulean Sea, and I enjoyed it but did not think it lived up… Continue Reading “August 2023 Reading Review!”

Everything I read in July, 2023!

This year, I set my Goodreads reading goal at 80 books. I expected to have an average-to-slower reading year for some reason. As it turns out, I’ve already passed my first goal of 80 and so I’ve readjusted to 120. Considering I’m on sabbatical… Continue Reading “Everything I read in July, 2023!”

June 2023 Reading Wrap-Up

I’ve been in a bit of a writing slump lately, though I’ve been trucking along with my reading. (“Discovering” BL manga has been a big help. It’s so much fun – humor, hyperbole, art, drama, sweetness. The genre has it all!) In any case,… Continue Reading “June 2023 Reading Wrap-Up”