Category: Craig Davidson

Everything I read in July, 2023!

This year, I set my Goodreads reading goal at 80 books. I expected to have an average-to-slower reading year for some reason. As it turns out, I’ve already passed my first goal of 80 and so I’ve readjusted to 120. Considering I’m on sabbatical… Continue Reading “Everything I read in July, 2023!”

Millennial Nostalgia: The Saturday Night Ghost Club by Craig Davidson

There are a lot of misconceptions about Craig Davidson’s The Saturday Night Ghost Club. If you believe the reviews on TikTok (which, to be fair, nobody should), then this one is either a slasher or a thriller, or a coming-of-age horror a la Stranger… Continue Reading “Millennial Nostalgia: The Saturday Night Ghost Club by Craig Davidson”