Austen in August: Sign-Up Post!

Welcome to the sign-up post for AUSTEN IN AUGUST, a reading event taking place next month! This event was inspired by a Twitter conversation that took place with @alliedanielson and @JillIsReading.  I am especially excited about it, I think, because I own almost all of Jane Austen’s books, but I have only ever read two of them (Northanger Abbey and Pride and Prejudice).  Also, considering that I will be finishing up with Allie’s Victorian Celebration at the end of July, it is fitting and appropriate to move on to the most famous of all pre-Victorians, Jane Austen! 

Why is she so interesting?  Pemberely explains:

Jane Austen is very resistant to being classified as part of a literary “school”, or being placed in any customarily-defined literary period — partly because none of the obvious available terms, “18th-century, “Romantic”, or “Victorian”, would appropriately describe her. Almost all of the major figures who were literarily active in the period 1800-1837, and who are currently deemed worthy of remembering (i.e. are “canonized”), fall into one of a few categories — either they launched their literary careers before 1800 (Burney, Edgeworth); or they were part of the Romantic movement (or were more or less strongly influenced by romanticism, or wrote in self-conscious reaction to romanticism); or they did most of their writing and publishing after 1837 (e.g. Dickens). Jane Austen is the conspicuous exception who does not fit into any of these categories.”

So, for this event, the goal is to read as many of Jane Austen’s novels as you want/are able, during the month of August.  Biographies and re-reads also count.  I will post throughout the month (planning for Tuesdays and Fridays) on different subjects, as well as with my own reviews of the Austen books I finish.  I will be offering giveaways and I am hoping that some participants will also be interested in writing guest posts or hosting giveaways of their own, to make this more interactive.

 If you are going to participate, you can read any of Jane Austen’s novels, a biography about her, or any contemporary re-imaginings (such as Austenland or The Jane Austen Book Club, for example). All posts will help you qualify for prizes, which I’ll explain in a later post!

In the meantime, if you would like to host a giveaway or provide a guest post, please: CLICK HERE

And if you want to sign-up for Austen in August, simply leave a comment stating such!  Maybe include some of the books you hope to read, too.  I plan to read Emma and Sense and Sensibility at the very least.  🙂 

Please also post the button somewhere on your blog (maybe an announcement post or in your blog’s side-bar) so that we can spread the word, gather excitement, and encourage participation.  The more of us reading Austen together, the better! 

Sign-ups are open throughout the month of July.  If you sign-up after July 31st, you can still participate, but may not be eligible for some of the early giveaway prizes.


To Share/Discuss on Twitter, Use Hashatag #AustenInAugustRBR (I added the RBR to distinguish our event from a couple of others with the same name which have coincidentally popped-up in the last couple weeks. ;P)

188 Comments on “Austen in August: Sign-Up Post!

  1. I want to participate in this. I am going to reread PRIDE AND PREJUDICE for sure…. as well as PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES and MR. DARCY, VAMPYRE. I have a few more contemporary books that are Austen-related…. and will try to read some more of her pieces of literature. This should be fun! This is a first for me-participating in something like this.


    • Oh, great – glad to have you aboard! Group events like this area always fun (at least they’re fun to me!). There’s not a lot of pressure with this one, since you can read as much or as little as you want, and post whenever you want. Some, like read-alongs, are more structured… I enjoy both types, though. 🙂


  2. i also have most of Jane Austen’s books but i only got to read Pride and Prejudice and that was a long time ago. this would be a great excuse to finally get to read more of her work. i plan to read Northanger Abbey (ebook) and Mansfield Park (print). please count me in Adam and thanks for hosting another awesome reading event!


    • Mansfield Park sounds good, too… I hope to read at least 3. Not sure if it will be Mansfield Park or Persuasion.


  3. hmmm I am tempted will have to take a look to chose some books I have loads of stuff by, on or in tribute to Austen to choose from


  4. Yay! I love Austen. I’ve been meaning to re-read Persuasion and Northanger Abbey so I’m in. I’ll put the image in my sidebar and maybe do a post on it in a couple of weeks. Thanks for organizing this, Adam!


  5. I’m always up for some Austen! I’ve read all (and re-read most) of her six major works, but I’ve been meaning to get to Lady Susan and Sandition. I think I’ll dig into those and maybe a contemporary re-imagining as well. Thanks for hosting!


    • This is too funny – I was just wondering if anyone was going to read her short work and/or her unfinished novels, and two people in a row commented with just that plan! I recently added the Penguin edition of Lady Susan with The Watsons and Sanditon to my wish list… might have to grab it soon and read it next month with my other two planned novels.


  6. I totally want to do this! I picked up a copy of Austen’s lesser known works (Lady Susan, The Watsons, and Sandition) recently, and would love to read those and probably some of her full-length novels 🙂


    • Ah – I recently added that (Penguin edition) to my wish list!!


  7. I’m going to read Persuasion, and I’m going to reread Mansfield Park, because I don’t remember it very well. I’m also going to try to reread Sense and Sensibility, but we’ll see how much time I have for reading.


  8. That sounds fantastic! I recently bought Persuasion so I can read that for it, and Sense and Sensibility is something I definitely want to get around to as well! I’ll probably buy that closer to the event!

    I’m also considering offering a Guest Post, but I’m not sure if my idea is too…shall we say, disjointed? Less and idea, more some Austen loving bambling!


    • Nothing wrong with a little “bambling” from time-to-time – especially about great writers!


  9. Love it!! I try to re-read a Jane Austen book over the summer. Ive read all of her books and plan on readin sense and sensibility.


  10. Sign me up! I have all of Jane Austin’s books, but its been a while since I read one. Now I just have to decide which one to read, I love them all so much!
    I would also like to participate in a giveaway (I filled out the form)
    Let me know what you think…(can’t wait until August)


    • Sounds great!! I’m so glad people are interested and willing/able to provide some of the extras. I’ll be particularly busy at the end of August, as I’m going to be starting my Ph.D. in English program… so I’ll probably look to schedule guests later in the month. 🙂

      Have you read all 6 novels? I’ve read Northanger Abbey and Pride & Prejudice – loved them both. I’m thinking Emma and Sense & Sensibility – but I could as easily lean towards Persuasion or Mansfield Park. Do you have any recommendations? Personal favorites? 🙂


  11. I’ve read them all, but its been a while. My favorite is Sense and Sensibility.
    I’m so excited, I don’t know which one to read. I needed a kick to get me reading them again, thanks!


  12. I have not read Northanger Abbey nor Persuasion. I think I might try to get to these in August.


    • Northanger Abbey is my favorite! I hope you get to read this one in August. 😀


  13. Oh this sounds great! I’ve only read P&P and loved it so it’d be great to read some more of her work. I have a huge summer reading list for school but if I can fit it in I’d love to read Mansfield Park and possibly also Sense and Sensibility 🙂 Thank you for hosting this!


  14. This sounds like so much fun!!! I have a couple Amanda Grange novels I could read (Edmund Bertram’s Diary, Captain Wentworth’s Diary, Pride and Pyramids). And I still haven’t read All Roads Lead to Austen, or, The Unexpected Miss Bennet–though both have been in my TBR pile for months. I also have one or two biographies that I haven’t read yet. As for rereading Jane Austen, it is ALWAYS a temptation. I will probably try to read Emma first. Do movie reviews count?


    • Movie reviews won’t count towards entries for the prizes BUT I certainly think they will add to the overall discussion for Austen month… when the Mister Linky goes up, I think it would be great to add anything Austen-related that comes up throughout the month (film adaptations of the primary texts, especially, would be fun to see – I know a lot of people are fans of the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice, with Colin Firth).


  15. I would LOVE to finish off Emma and Mansfield Park for this event, but I have no clue if I’ll have time for them in August. I may already be booked. If I can though, I want to go for Emma first. Oh! Maybe I could squeeze in Lady Susan! Decisions. 🙂

    Thanks for hosting, Adam!! Sense & Sensibility is my favorite novel, besides Gone With the Wind. I hope you like it. 😀


      • I always smile when I think of Sense & Sensibility. 😀


      • I was going to go with Emma and Persuasion, but I’m glad I decided on Sense & Sensibility instead… not that there isn’t plenty of time to change my mind. Or, hopefully, read quickly enough in August to get through 3 of ’em.


      • Sense and Sensibility also makes me smile. 🙂 I’m definitely an Elinor! And I have Matt convinced to name a daughter that! 🙂 SUCCESS!

        (And Adam, I am making sure to read this carefully before posting so as not to embarrass myself further).


  16. I’m in, I’m in! 🙂 I wrote a post already (can you tell I’m excited?), but I will for sure be reading Mansfield Park. It’s the last Austen on my 250 list!

    I also pulled Sandition, her Selected Letters, and her juvenilia collection as options. I’ve only read her 6 main novels, so i think it might be interesting to look at her other writing!


    • I was really taking a close look at those unfinished works, as well as the short work & early collections… I can’t get to all of it, and I do want to get the novels done first, but I added the Penguin edition of Lady Susan, The Watsons, and Sanditon (*Note – Sanditon looks like Sandition, but it’s not ;P) to my RAK wish list. Fingers crossed! I love that Penguin put all three of those together in one book…great idea. Makes it easy on us!


      • Man, I am making silly typos all over the place. I blame being dehydrated and working in the 94 degree heat all day. 🙂

        I just realized that I don’t have a copy of Lady Susan either…perhaps I order that edition too (and give Matt another reasong to kill me). 🙂


  17. I would love to join this event! I think I am going to reread Mansfield Park because I have not read it in a really long time. I might have to watch some of the Austen movies I own as well!


    • That sounds like a lot of fun! I haven’t seen any movies based on Austen’s novels (except Clueless, of course!). I’m really going to try to squeeze in Mansfield Park as my third read, too.


  18. Pingback: Austen in August! | A Room of One's Own

  19. Sign me up! I’ve read all of Jane Austen at least once, but I do have a stack of non-fiction about JA and her works, so August will be the perfect time to read one of them!


  20. Delited to find you via Jillian A Room of One’s Own ~
    i am adding my participation – anticipating Persuasion one of my reads for sure –
    plus drawing from multidudinous others on my kindle & reading stack 🙂 TY for initiating & hosting!

    you seriously haven’t watched any Austen movies?
    your public library i’m sure, will have most to check out… EnJoy! some more than others 🙂


    • *gasp* For shame! 😉 I actually hadn’t read Pride & Prejudice until a few years ago. My first Austen was Northanger Abbey… we’re all friends, here! 😉 haha


  21. I’d love to participate. I had only read Pride and Prejudice so far, but I’m really interested in Northanger Abbey for a start.


  22. Yep, I’m up for this. I just have Mansfield Park on my list so I shall read that!

    This is going to be great, hopefully I’ll learn a lot from Austen fans and maybe, just maybe, this will turn out to be a book by Austen that I will actually like. I live in hope!


    • Oh, gosh – I hope so! I’ve only read 2 of the 6, but I liked both of them. Hoping to like the others as well…


  23. I am so excited about this! I want to read Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility. I hope I’ll read more, but I am aiming for those 2 🙂


  24. I’ve always meant to read Jane Austen but sadly haven’t touched even one of her novels — I’ll participate in August! I’ll start with Pride & Prejudice and then Persuasion, or maybe Northanger Abbey.


    • Awesome!! I’m glad some people are willing to experience their first Austen with us!


  25. What a fantastic idea! I have read all of Austen’s books and having recently reread Pride and Prejudice I have been reminded of all the reasons why I love her writing. I am going to aim to read Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey as well as Claire Tomalin’s biography of Austen.


  26. Ooh this sounds like fun, I’m definitely signing up! I’m going to read Mansfield Park (still yet to read that) and Austentatious! 🙂


    • Mansfield Park is looking more and more like it should be my third Austen choice for this event… Sense & Sensibility, then Emma, then Mansfield Park? …if I can get to all 3!


  27. Sign me up! I just finished off Persuasion and now I’d like to tackle a few of my yet unread Austens. I think I will try Northanger Abbey and Pride and Prejudice…


  28. I’ve wasted so much reading time dithering over which Austen I most want to re-read that I am delighted to find an event like this to give me the push I need to actually pick one up and read. I’m leaning towards Mansfield Park at the moment.


  29. Pingback: Since July is a bit light on classics… « Allegraphy

  30. Pingback: Meet Jane Austen’s Ardent Fan: Gatwiri Gold-Miss Bundi « Literary Chronicles

  31. Oh God, this is going to be hard. I have to confess that I hate Jane Austen passionately and with all my heart. Don’t hurt me Austen-lovers!
    To be fair, I only read Pride and Prejudice, but that was pure agony. So many pages, so little to say. Marry or don’t, what do I care?!
    Unfortunately my honour obliges me to give Ms Austen who is literally loved by all the world except for me another chance, so count me in, let’s hope I’m strong enough…
    I’m feeling so left out, I want to love her too! An anxiety-ridden introduction post is sure to follow.


    • I actually liked Northanger Abbey a lot better than Pride and Prejudice. It’s a satire of gothic romance novels, and it made me giggle a lot.


    • Marry or don’t, what do I care?!

      I think this is Austen’s very point. But in her day, marriage was all women could care about, because if they didn’t marry, they died in poverty or belonged to their father (since they had to legally belong to somebody.) Marrying well and then losing their husband was the only real shot they had at freedom. (See Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour.”)

      If you read Austen closely, you can sense that Austen is mocking this. For example, the ending of Northanger Abbey. I can’t say anything without spoiling it, but it’s clearly a mockery of the expectation for a happily-ever-after. In Pride and Prejudice, watch Charlotte Lucas. There’s more to it than happily ever after.


    • I was about to write basically what Jillian has already written. My first attempt at reading Pride & Prejudice (when I was in high school – and very much a boyish boy) didn’t go very well, because I was taking Austen literally. She’s actually a master of wit – her use of irony, satire, and parody are, I think, ultimately what solidified her place as a master in the Canon. If you go into the books knowing that she’s actually poking fun at much of what she’s presenting (social conventions, caste system, etc.) then I think the experience will be much more rewarding and enjoyable for you!


  32. Pingback: Suffering places « Rubber Tyres –> Smooth Rides

  33. I’d love to participate in this. I’ve read all of Austen’s books and loved them all except Emma, but it was years ago when I read it so I’d like to re-read that one and see if my opinion has changed. If I have time I’ll re-read Pride and Prejudice too.


    • Great! I love the idea of re-reading books after time to see how reception of it might change… my feelings on The Great Gatsby and Old Man and the Sea completely turned around after re-reading them (disliked both at first, loved them both the second time around).


  34. I am soooo tempted by this, but I have been pretty much failing every readalong I’ve attempted this year. Sigh. If I change my mind (and reading enough talk about it might do it!), I’ll let you know! (Of course…maybe I could reread Lady Susan…that’s short…hmm…)


    • Temptation is a wonderful thing! 😉 I do hope you’ll change your mind and join us! I saw a copy of the Penguin edition of Lady Susan, Sanditon and The Watsons today at Barnes & Noble – might go back and pick it up as it would be great to read those in addition to a couple of the novels.


      • I think that’s the edition I have. It’s both fun to read Sanditon and The Watsons and sad that they’re not finished. Sandition, especially, is so tantalizing in its promise.


  35. I will be joining in! Thank you for hosting. It is events like these that are driving me to read all those great books that I never took time to read sooner. I will be reading Emma along with Sense and Sensiblity too!


  36. Do you have html for your button? I can’t seem to post a picture in my sidebar…(limited working knowledge of wordpress)…


    • Unfortunately, I can’t get html code boxes to work (I think WordPress might allow only one at a time – and I’ve got one active for my Blog Button).

      For WordPress, you have to save the image and then upload it via an image hosting site (like Then you go to “Appearance” and “Widgets” and add an Image widget to the side bar – in the widget’s editing field, you’ll paste the direct link to the image url.


  37. Pingback: Half a year in… « Allegraphy

  38. Hello, count me in pretty please!
    I’ll plan to read: Lady Susan, The Watsons and Sandition which is in one volume by Penguin Classics. Also, Northanger Abbey. These I believe are the only books by Jane Austen I’ve not read. Really looking forward to this!


    • Awesome! Northanger Abbey is my favorite – and I hope to read that Penguin collection as well (at least two novels + those short works, is the plan).


  39. I’d really like to be included in this – I’ve been looking to reread Austen for a while and would love to do this. Think I may try Mansfield Park again, as it’s the only one I haven’t read more than once.


  40. I ccan’t wait to participate in this, Austen is my favourite author. 😀 Plus, I’ll be studying a course named Jane Austen in Context this coming semester, so the two will coincide nicely. 🙂 I will hopefully be able to read four of her novels (probably Emma, Mansfield Park, S&S and Persuasion) and maybe a biography and a recent reimagining. 🙂

    Will post a link to my announcement page once I have it up. 🙂


    • Sounds like an interesting course! I’ve only ever read one Austen text for school, Pride & Prejudice. I’m revisiting it this Fall for another course (doctoral seminar in Narratology).


  41. I would happily enter – as I have a mild obsession with all-things Austen these days (as evidenced by my owning a large set of shelves dedicated to Austen, Austen-esque and Austen-lite novels and biographies).

    I recently finished re-reading my favourite Austen (Persuasion) and when I return home from the beach, one of my 29th Birthday presents will be a copy of Glamour in Glass (by Mary Robinette Kowal), the follow-up to Shades of Milk and Honey.

    Kowal’s novels are Regency-era Fantasy where she postulates on the idea of magic as normal as make-up in the attributes of young women. Combining elements from various Austen novels (the bi-play of the main 2 characters brilliantly mirrors Lizzie Bennet and Mr Darcy) and the class and marriage intrigue and societal complications are all vintage Jane with a witty and original twist from Kowal.

    I intend to read Glamour in Glass as well as the Michael Thomas Ford humor/fantasy novel Jane Vows Vengeance (wherein Jane is a sharp-fanged and sharp-witted vampire whose life is in upheaval in the third outing of the series – Jane Bites Back and Jane Goes Batty were the first two). As well as these two, I’ve Northanger Abbey and Sanditon on my e-reader – one of which I’ll be reading on the road trip home as well as aiming to read the follow-up to Jane and the Damned, Jane Austen: Blood Persuasion (another Jane and vampires fantasy novel).

    Mayhap I ought to post a link through mr Twitter …


  42. Well, bloody heck – I wrote a lengthy (perhaps too so?) comment and it seems like WordPRess ate it. Bollocks.

    I would LOVE to be a part of the Austen in Augest project. Hereabouts for my 29th Birthday I shall be receiving the follow-up to the Austen-esque fantasy novel, Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal – Glamour in Glass – as well as the follow-up to the vampire-themed Austen novel Jane and the Damned, Jane Austen: Blood Persuasion.

    Persuasion is my favourite Austen novel and I read it once every other year. On my e-reader I’ve Persuasion and Sanditon ready for a lazy, relaxing August afternoon.

    Count me in 😀


    • What do you mean WordPress ate it? It’s right there. 🙂


  43. I’m planning to participate and really excited about it since Jane Austen was a huge part of getting me back into reading.

    I’m not positive which ones I want to read. I think maybe Persuasion and Northanger Abbey because I don’t think I read those as thoroughly the first time.


    • I haven’t read Persuasion, yet. I own it, but I don’t think I’ll get to it this month (I’m starting with Sense & Sensibility, then Mansfield Park, and then, hopefully, the three short works – Lady Susan, The Watsons, and Sanditon). But, oh, Northanger Abbey! <333


  44. Count me in! I’ve only read a couple of her novels and I wouldn’t mind exploring more. I currently have no idea which books I’ll read.


    • Hope you’ve made your selections, or at least the first one. We’re starting tomorrow! Ahhh!!


  45. I’m in….I’ve got Sense & Sensibility on the docket for this year. So, I’ll just make sure I read that one in August. If I get an attack of Jane-itis, then I might add more….Announcement on my blog coming soon.


    • Sense & Sensibility is first up, for me! Starting it tomorrow! 😀


  46. What a lovely challenge! I am in. I have read of all of Austen’s works (including Lady Susan and Sandition) except Mansfield Park. This will push me to read it next month, thanks!

    I really love all her books more or less equally. P&P and Persuasion were my first and have a special meaning for me, but in all honesty, I enjoyed all her novels that I’ve read. I adore her sense of humor and her writing of romance. I’ll link the challenge on my blog too. Happy reading, everyone!


    • It seems like quite a few people save Mansfield Park for last (or that it somehow just ends up being the last Austen for a lot of folks). Interesting… I wonder if there’s a reason. I’ll be reading it this month, after Sense & Sensibility.


  47. I’ve got a book called The Wit and Wisdom of Jane Austen which contains quotes from her novels, and letters as well as a brief bio. Can it be counted?


    • Of course! As long as you read it during the event & write up a blog post about it so we can all see what you think. 🙂


  48. I love all things Austen. I’ve read all her books except for Mansfield Park. Persuasion is my favorite though. I have quite a few books in my reading pile that would fill the requirements of this event. I definitely want to participate. Thanks for hosting!


    • I love how each book is a favorite to someone! I’m going to be reading Mansfield Park for this – it will be my fourth Austen (after completing #3-Sense & Sensibility, which I’ll also be reading this month)


  49. Okay i finally chose I am going to read the Mysteries of Udolpho then Northanger Abbey, plus I have a couple of ebook downloads behind Jane Austen’s Door by Jennifer Frost and Georgiana Darcy’s Diary by Anna Elliot that I got as free downloads


    • Oh, boy – good luck with Mysteries of Udolpho! That would probably end up taking me most of the month to get through (if I forced myself to actually read the whole thing and not give up after 50 or 100 pages again). It’s not a bad book, by any means, but it’s so dense!


  50. My very first reading event as a blogger! I’ll be taking part for certain, since all but one (Pride and Prejudice which I’ve read a couple of months back) of Austen pieces are in two of my reading challenges. I will just need to get hold of a copy of Persuasion and of The Watsons/Lady Susan/Sanditon. Thank you for organising this.


    • That’s awesome! So glad (and honored) to have you for this, your first blogger event! 🙂 I’ll be reading The Watsons/Lady Susan/Sanditon, too (as are a few others, I think), so that should be fun. I don’t think I’ll have time for Persuasion, but I’m sure some others are going to be reading that one… should be plenty of discussion flying around!


  51. Can’t wait to participate! I have a few books I just purchased and August will be a great time to read them!


  52. Pingback: Book Giveaway « flyawayhomebook

  53. What a great opportunity to dive into an Austen book 🙂 I think I’ll start with Emma and see how far I get… thanks for hosting this read-along!


  54. Pingback: Read-along: Austen in August - Always cooking up something

  55. I plan to finish reading “Letters to Alice on first reading Jane Austen”, by Fay Weldon. It’s an epistolary novel in which the author writes to her young (and invented) niece about why Jane Austen is so important, and why classics matter for modern writers, and the courage and power of “the Idea” for writing a book that is True. (If you’re interested in Fay Weldon, try “The Life and Loves of a She-Devil.”)

    Also I hope to find a used copy of Jane Austen’s Letters, and read her younger works.


    • That sounds like interesting reading! And very appropriate – I bet a lot of our participants will be eager to read about your thoughts!


  56. Sign me up! I have read Emma only. I have had Pride and Prejudice for too long and I plan to read it.


    • Oh, great! Pride and Prejudice is one of those books every reader should read. 🙂


  57. I’d love to sign up and re-read a few of Austen’s novels (Emma & Mansfield Park?) and maybe a book of her letters, but do participants have to have a blog? I have a blogger account but it’s really only for following blogs – I never set up my own blog there.


    • Participants don’t have to have a blog – the goal of the event is really to read and discuss Austen, so if you want to read and then bounce around to the other participating blogs to comment/share thoughts, etc., that’s totally fine. On the other hand, contests/prizes etc. will be largely based upon particpants’ blog posts (that’s how we will be tracking participation) so you may not be eligible to win anything during the event… but that doesn’t mean you can’t take part!


      • Thanks, I’ll definitely be reading Austen in August then. 🙂


    • If you want, you’re always welcome to write the reviews on my blog- and of course I’d credit you! I’m not saying you have to, but the offer’s there.


      • Alex – Thanks for the kind offer, but while I’m a reader (other than letters) I’m not really a writer. 😉


  58. I am so on board! I always forget which ones I’ve read and which ones I’ve seen the movie so many times I pretend I actually read *cough* Sense and Sensibility *cough*. Plus, this fits in with the Dusty Volumes Challenge I signed up for. Yay! And also, I am a huge Austen fan.

    I’ll try to read the big three – S&S, P&P, and Emma. I’d like to read Persuasion if I get on a roll. 🙂


    • Sweeeet! I’m glad you’re with us on this one! It would be incredible if you could get through all those texts this month! I’m planning for 2 novels + the 3 short works. We’ll see. Do you know, I’ve NEVER seen any of the Jane Austen film adaptations? Not even the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice that everyone loves (with Colin Firth, who I do adore). I might need to try and watch one this month…


  59. Pingback: WOYN & Share Our Bookshelves – July « For the love of Books

  60. I am so excited! So glad I found this post today! I will be reading Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, and Emma. Thanks for hosting!


  61. Pingback: My Wrap-Up for The Victorian Celebration :) « A Room of One's Own

  62. Pingback: The Classics Club – readalongs? Let’s organize! :) « A Room of One's Own

  63. Dear Jillian and Adam, I would like to join reading Austen’s work (who has been on my TBR pile too long), yes I’m bookaholic who having trouble to choose which books I should read first 😀
    I’ve already have Pride & Prejudice, Mansfield Park and Emma, so excited that in August we’ll all gonna reading and talk about it. Sign me up 😀


  64. Super excited to join this challenge. I plan on reading at least two Austen novels (probably Persuasion and Northanger Abbey) and probably a few Austen-esque books (possibly Midnight in Austenland). Plus, I will be rewatching some of the mini series/movies.


    • Ah, Northanger Abbey! <33 My favorite. I've only read two, though, so that's probably not a fair thing to say. I'm going for Sense & Sensibility and Mansfield Park, at least. I also hope to read the three shorter works that are collected in a Penguin edition (Lady Susan, Sanditon, and The Watsons). Watching some of the movies sounds good, too – I would love to read some posts this month about the similarities/differences between some of these primary texts & their film adaptations!


  65. Sign me up! Im not sure which ones I’ll be reading but I will def be reading since I havent read any but Pride and Prejudice.


    • Fantastic! I’ve only read Pride & Prejudice and Northanger Abbey. Looking forward to getting at least two more of the novels done (and hopefully the three short works, too)!


  66. I will participate in the Austen in August by finally reading Pride and Prejudice. I set a goal to read P&P in 2012, so there is no time better than now. I’ve never read a book by Austen, but I have several on my bookshelves. I have several books based on Austen’s books but I’ve never read them because I thought I needed to read the originals first. My goal may be small, but it will be an achievement if I finish it in August.


    • Awesome! So glad you’re joining us! I really enjoyed Pride & Prejudice (but, to be fair, I couldn’t get through it on my first attempt – then absolutely loved it on my second try… after I learned a bit more about Austen, her style, her intent, etc.). I’m not sure it’s “necessary” to read the original texts before the re-imaginings, but I definitely find that reading the originals first does enhance the contemporary tales (it was great being able to understand the referenced works in Jasper Fforde’s “The Eyre Affair,” for example – added a whole other layer of meaning to the experience, even though the book itself was good on its own).


  67. Pingback: Austen in August: Sign-Up « As Read By An Aspiring Receptionist

  68. Pingback: Austen in August Reading Challenge « Wading Through the Ocean of Life

  69. This sounds fantastic! I would love to participate. Emma is on my Summer Reading Challenge List, I would love to read Northanger Abbey, and if I am on a roll, I am in for a re-read of Sense & Sensibility.


  70. Pingback: July Reading Summary | She Reads Novels

  71. Please, sign me up!  I’ve always liked the “idea” of Austen, but never have completely read any of her novels– if that makes sense.  Anyway, I’ll be reading Sense & Sensibility.


  72. Okay, I’m in. Let’s do this! 🙂
    Emma and Northanger Abbey are at the top of my list. Also want to try Love and Freindship (spelling cringe), and perhaps a bio or two. I also hope to write about my experiences in Bath and at Chawton in 2010.
    (Twitter @read_write_live)


    • AWESOME! I’m glad you decided to join! I loved (loved!) Northanger Abbey, though it is definitely a bit rough around the edges; still, it’s hilarious and endearing. Austen had a great sense of humor (take that purposely misspelled title you mentioned!) – I’m really looking forward to reading more of her novels, as well as her shorter works.

      That post on Bath and Chawton sounds interesting! Let me know when you post it so that I can share it with everyone. (Of course, you can add the link to the event’s Mister Linky, too, when that goes live {tomorrow} and/or whenever you post) 🙂


  73. Pingback: Austen in August begins today! « Allegraphy

  74. Pingback: Austen In August | The Reading Satchel

  75. I am going to read Persuasion for this event. I love that you are doing this.


    • GREAT! I’m reading S&S right now.. then Mansfield Park. Looking forward to your thoughts!


  76. Pingback: Austen in August Announcement | thenerdreports

  77. Just discovered your blog today, and I’m ready for Austen in August. My goal will be to finally read Mansfield Park, the last remaining (completed) Austen novel on my to-read list. I’ve been putting it off for years so thanks for the motivation!


    • Fantastic! I’ve got that one coming up next (after I finish Sense & Sensibility).


  78. Pingback: Reading a classic? Some blogs to check out… | The Book Stop

  79. I’m a tad late, but I figured since I have 3 Austen novels on my Classics Club list, I’d join in here too! I started ‘Persuasion’ last month but am only 5 chapters in. I’m hoping that doesn’t disqualify the book!! Pride and Prejudice & Northanger Abbey are the other 2 on my list. I also picked up William Deresiewicz’s “A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter” from the library, maybe I can squeeze it in somewhere lol. Should be fun!!!!


    • Welcome to the event! No worries, Pride & Prejudice will still count. Looking forward to all your thoughts on that great reading list!


  80. I love Austenland!!! Soo funny and unpredictable, which is definitely a plus in this sort of book.
    I’ll be reading Mr. Darcy’s Diary, Mr. Darcy Vampire, and The Man Who Loved Jane Austen.


  81. I am such an Austen fan but haven’t reread her novels in ages, except Pride and Prejudice which I read almost every half year! XD I’ll be reading ‘Sense & Sensibility’ in the hope I’ll like it this time, same for ‘Emma’, ‘Jane Austen: An unrequited Love’, ‘Persuasion’ which I love and I’m going to try to get my hands on her ‘Juvenilia’.
    Thanks for hosting this! 🙂


  82. Pingback: Event Reminder: Austen in August! « The Classics Club

  83. So excited I am came across this event…count me in! As a Janeite I will take on an excuse to pick up Austen or and Austen-related work! I have a brand new edition of “Persuasion” that I have been dying to pick up! It’s one of the lovely new fabric designs from Penguin Books! I won it from the most lovely Austen Blog Austenprose which you much check out if you are not familiar! Thanks for a wonderful read-a-long idea!


  84. Count me in thank you. It’s been a while since I read EMMA & MANSFIELD PARK.


  85. I want to join 🙂 I haven’t read any Austen books yet, but I really want to. I want my to read Persuasion first, or maybe Pride and Prejudice 🙂


    • Excellent – welcome aboard & happy reading! Next guest post goes up tomorrow!


  86. The only books from this particular period in which Austen’s book are written in that can make me laugh and smile are Jane Austen books. I can understand it sometimes better than recent modern day literature. I love Jane Austen to death and would be thrilled to participate in Austen In August! Pride and Prejudice is on my summer reading list so I’ve started this reading event before I even knew about it. 🙂


  87. I would love to participate in Austen in August! Jane Austen is one of my all time favorite authors. Her work always manages to make me laugh and put a smile on my face and I have a feirce passion for all things related to Pirde and Prejudice not to mention having seen the movie about a thousand times. 🙂


  88. I’m a little late and a newbie to Austen. She has become my new obsession in the last few months *read mid-life crisis”. I plan to read Mansfield Park & Northanger Abbey. I started Austenland so I will also finish that. Its great to see everyone’s enthusiasm!


  89. Pingback: Reading Roundup: June 2013 | Reading in Bed

  90. Pingback: Austen in August Year 10! Call for Volunteers #AustenInAugustRBR – Adam Burgess

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