September Checkpoint! #TBR2018RBR

Hello, TBR Pile Challengers! 

Somehow, while the summer days flew by and the new school year began, and while the cool iced drinks began to give way to the return of all things Pumpkin Spice, another month passed for our challenge, too, which means we now only have 3 months left! How did this happen?

Last month, I challenged all of us to get 200 reviews written and linked-up with the Mister Linky widget below. Guess what? We did it! Currently, we have 212 reviews posted and linked. Congratulations, everyone! CAN WE GO FOR 250 BY OCTOBER 15TH!?

Question of the Month: What is your ideal reading environment/atmosphere? Where & when do you typically read, and how do you get yourself “settled” into it? 

My Progress: 6 of 12 Completed / 5 of 12 Reviewed

I’ve read 6 of my books and am currently reading number 7. I’ve reviewed 5 so far (just need to get my thoughts down on Pudd’nhead Wilson!) Now, you might be thinking, “that sounds awfully familiar to what he posted last month.” Well, yeah, it certainly does!

Things really slowed down with the start of the semester. When I teach literature courses, I tend to re-read the books I’m teaching along with my students, which takes up some of my own personal reading time. (Most of it, to be honest.) It was great to re-read Pride and Prejudice last week, for example, but it meant I only read about 20 pages of my current challenge book! 

My completed reads:

How are you doing?


Below, you’re going to find the infamous Mr. Linky widget. If you read and review any challenge books this month, please link-up on the widget below. This Mr. Linky will be re-posted every month so that we can compile a large list of all that we’re reading and reviewing together this year. Each review that is linked-up on this widget throughout the year may also earn you entries into future related giveaways, so don’t forget to keep this updated! At the end of the challenge, all entries will go into one big raffle for the $50 book prize! 


It is time for our last mini-challenge of the year! The winner for this one will be announced on October 15th and he/she will receive a book of choice ($20USD or less) from The Book Depository. Then, we wrap-up in December and all entries through December 15th go into the raffle for the BIG final prize. 

This month, I would like to challenge you all to visit one another’s blogs and recommend a book based on something the other participant has read! In other words, check out the Mister Linky list of reviews to see what people have read/reviewed, see what comes to mind when you read some of the titles, and then visit a couple/few of those posts to comment with your other reading suggestions. Please come back here to leave the links to your comments. Make sense? Have fun! (and good luck!)


12 Comments on “September Checkpoint! #TBR2018RBR

  1. No news is…no news. I’m still at 11.5 books.

    I like to read on my couch, and ideally I’d have some ice water and a little bit of chocolate, but in fact I get sleepy very easily. I probably really do most of my reading either over lunch, or while doing other things. Being a mom has taught me to read in very short chunks, and I’m having a hard time moving out of that. I’d love to sit still and focus on reading for an hour, but I’ve just about lost the ability!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am longing for a quiet, comfortable reading spot again. I haven’t really had one since we moved last year and, sadly, we’ll probably be here another year and a half.


  2. Pingback: Sunday Salon (1:6) | Roof Beam Reader

  3. I have a chair in the kitchen I like to sit in with a cup of something on the bookshelf next to me, an hour there in the late afternoon makes me very happy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That sounds great. “A cup of something.” My brain split in half, with one side cheering coffee and the other demanding wine. 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think my favorite reading environment is a lazy morning in the armchair with some coffee. But I also love being under an afghan on a cold or stormy day with tea. Or outside on a summer evening with wine. I guess I just like reading pretty much all the time 🙂

    My challenge is going well! I’m down to my last few books. Right now I’m reading Catherine the Great by Robert K. Massie which I’m loving so far, but it’s slow going so I’m not sure I’ll finish before the month is over.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Three months left, and I have only two books less, so I might eventually take the two alternatives as well, let’s see..

    I can read practically anywhere, provided that it is cold, light, and silent enough. My favorite spot is perhaps in the armchair at the apartment lobby on Saturday morning. Or in the cab, on the way to office.

    On the mini challenge, I have suggested two alternative readings in these blog posts:

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My favorite place to read is on the couch with my feet up, a throw blanket covering me, and a cup of coffee within reach. I don’t often read that way, though, except Sunday afternoons or evenings, or maybe a little from my Kindle some late evenings. Most of my reading is in snatches here and there.

    I’ve read 13 of the 14 books I chose for the challenge, and I am not planning to finish the last one.

    I left some suggestions here:

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve just linked to my latest review, one of my alternate reads. I’ve read 11/12 of the original list, plus one alternate. I’m really hoping to finish the entire list.

    I’ve also left comments with reading suggestions on four blogs:

    Liked by 1 person

  8. On weekends, my favorite place to read is the living room couch. There’s nothing like reading a book with a cat next to you! I also read in bed before I go to sleep. Usually I carry a book with me for when I go out and to work for some short reading bursts. At this point, I’ve completed 9 books and reviewed 8 of them. I still feel confident I can get to 12 (maybe all 14) before the end of the year. It certainly doesn’t help that I’ve bought a dozen books in the past month.

    I’ve shared some love and recommendations to the following posts:


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