Category: Book Review

August, #TheSealeyChallenge, and More

Hello, my beloveds. Long time no see! My apologies for the absence. I’m sure many of you, like me, have been struggling with the continued pandemic, the back-to-school season, and the rather horrifying events taking place around the United States and the world, not… Continue Reading “August, #TheSealeyChallenge, and More”

Young Adult Potpourri

A Mixed-Bag During the academic term, I typically find myself reading a lot of young adult fiction. Young adult fiction, while often tackling very serious real-world issues, also tends to be highly readable for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is… Continue Reading “Young Adult Potpourri”

The Outsider by Stephen King

The Outsider by Stephen King was one of my most anticipated releases of 2018, and one of only two books that I actually pre-ordered this year. I’ve always been a King fan, but something about the description and his development over the last couple of… Continue Reading “The Outsider by Stephen King”

The Outsiders, The Godfather, and A Little History

In this fourth “potpour-reads” post, I put together some thoughts on three classics, including two works of fiction and one of non-fiction. The first fiction classic is classified by Penguin as a “modern classic” and is sometimes categorized further into “young adult,” although I… Continue Reading “The Outsiders, The Godfather, and A Little History”

Lincoln, Socrates, and A Funeral

In this third “potpour-reads” post, I share some quick thoughts on three recent reads, all of which were completed in June. Somehow, none of these books are ones from any of my challenge lists. Go figure. I read Lincoln in the Bardo because it is… Continue Reading “Lincoln, Socrates, and A Funeral”